Tuesday, December 30, 2014

"Atopa" Misidentity...KKD, Next Time; I Beg Run!!

Praise the Lord!!!

Our first bible reading will be taken from Genesis 39 verse 12 and I read:

"...Now it happened one day that he (Joseph) went into the house to do his work and none of the men of the household was there inside. She (Potiphar's wife) came and grabbed him by his cloak, demanding; 'Come on, sleep with me!' Joseph tore himself away and he left his garment in her hand, and fled, and got him out."

Well, this scripture kept running and bubbling inside my head when I suddenly heard one of my most admired role models mess up big time just when most people had over-crowded their church rooms and not bathrooms; singing Christmas carols.

I immediately opened my Facebook and read some interesting comments on some pages, regarding Kwasi Kyei Darkwa, simply called KKD and popularly referred to as "Ghana's Finest."

Guess, he's now Ghana's hmmmmm...just thinking aloud.

Did KKD really rape a 19 year old? Did KKD really force a 19 year old into having sex with him? I asked myself.

These questions can best be answered if I were at the place the sex incident happened but since I also heard his lawyer, seriously claiming the sex was "consensual", who am I to answer my own questions?

Did this 19 year old girl shout for help or rather screamed much for more pleasure? Did this 19 year old girl MOURN or MOAN during the sex act?

These questions also can best be answered if only I were the lady in question.

However, just imagine if KKD had gone to Church on that fateful night, sang Christmas Night carols and meditated on John 3:16..."For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son. That whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life."

Good, it didn't say everlasting sex...that would result in rape!

Imagine how KKD's entire reputation would not have been so much debased by all the critics on social media. Imagine if he had not been anywhere near a hotel, left alone a hotel bathroom, on that fateful day.

LOL...no wonder a friend of mine wrote on his Facebook page that he always wears "Kalashnikov boxers and only visit the male side of bathrooms and keep a mountain summit distance from 19-year olds with more sass than the constitution should permit in this country."

My imaginations are not yet complete.

Imagine KKD had not seen the nakedness of this 19 year old beauty. Hmmmm…but like King David and Bathsheba; KKD fell for the apple and ate it with much delight.

Now, enough of KKD's sexcapades!

A 19 year old girl is mature and capable of voting for the President of Ghana. Ain't she? She is mature and capable of marrying. Ain’t she? Who forced her into the hotel?

Did she make a decision to go to the hotel where she definitely knew the man, KKD, was absolutely present?

I must say this is not to defend anybody here but like a friend of mine said, "people have got to take responsibility for their actions."

Though the law may treat a 19 year old as a minor, I don't think it can deny the fact that this 19 year old is old enough to think for herself.

Was she drugged? I think even the devil will not be blamed for this sexual act.

Again, I'm not justifying any person's act. Rather, I’m just gathering my thoughts from my imaginative faculty.

Just right after KKD was apprehended by the Airport Police Command; several ladies have also emerged out of nowhere but somewhere alleging rape cases against this dude.

So, all these ladies are victims and they remained silent for years just to wait for a time to shoot their gun? Why didn't any of them do what this 19 year old girl has honorably done? Simply report to the Police…

Am I then to assume they enjoyed the sex or they just didn't think it was proof enough to nail him to the wall?

Indeed King David even fell for it when he saw Bathsheba nude and alone. King Solomon didn't want trouble; so he had 1000 women to warm his bed. Though at the end; it destroyed him. President Bill Clinton fell for Monica Lewinsky and it cost his Presidency.


KKD; if only there will be a ‘Next Time’…Next time, I beg behave as Joseph.


Now, where is my Hymnal?

Dear Reader, let's open our hymnal to Methodist hymn 112: "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds" - Now sing with me...

Off to church, good bye and have a wonderful rape-free day!
Source: Ameyaw Adu Gyamfi

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